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Student: Access Assignments: Dosage Calc 360
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To begin working in Dosage Calc 360°, select the View button next to the class.

If you are not using DC 360 as part of a class, you can access the material by clicking “Independent Study” upon login.



The Dashboard displays your current and upcoming assignments, as well as information on your overall performance compared to your classmates, and a discussion board. On the discussion board, you can View Discussions as well as add a new Discussion topic.



Access Assignments

To begin working on an assignment, select the “Start” button. To resume where you left off on an assignment, select Continue.



The “What’s Next?” panel will display up to three assignments at a time, based on due date. To see a full list of your assignments, select “View Assignments.”


This Assignments tab helps you to track due dates and assignment completion.



Previous Assignments

The Assignments page will default to Active assignments, or any open assignments that are not past-due. To review all assignments, including completed, past-due, or upcoming assignments, select the All filter at the right hand side. Note that any work submitted after a due date will be marked Late in your Gradebook (see section on Late Work).


View Topic Details

Clicking “Details” on an assignment will drill down to reveal your progress on each of the topics included. Each assignment also contains a Module Assessment. The order of topics displayed here is the order you will work in when you start or continue an assignment. Note that you will not be able to start a Module Assessment until the related topics are completed.

Topics that you’ve already finished will be marked with 100% completion. To go back and practice a previously completed topic, select the blue Review button.


Tollgate Approach (select users)

If your instructor has designated the Tollgate approach for your class, you may notice an active assignment with the “Start” button deactivated.


The Tollgate approach means that an assignment will not open until the assignment before it is completed. Using the example below, you must reach 100% completion on the Basic Math module before you are able to begin working on Safety in Medication Administration.




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