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Home > Kinesiology in Action > Student > Student: Access Assignments: Kinesiology In Action
Student: Access Assignments: Kinesiology In Action
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Student: Kinesiology in Action: Access Assignments from F.A. Davis on Vimeo.


Access Assignments

To access your Assignments, click the "View" button next to your class (when on your Classes page). 


Screenshot of Kinesiology In Action Classes page with a red box highlighting the View button that student can use to View the class


On your class' Dashboard, the What’s Next? panel will display up to three assignments at a time, based on due date. To see a full list of your assignments, select "View Assignments" in the What's Next? panel or "ASSIGNMENTS" in your top-right navigation menu.


Screenshot of Kinesiology In Action assignments under What's Next for students with a red box drawing attention to the View Assignments button


The Assignments tab helps you track due dates and assignment completion. The order of modules displayed here is the order in which you will proceed through the course when you start or continue an assignment.


Screenshot of Kinesiology In Action "Assignments" page with red box highlighting "Assignments" denotation in the top-left of the page, above assignments modules at varying levels of completion


View Topic Details

Clicking "Details" on an assignment will drill down to reveal your progress on each of the module’s sections or individual activities. Click "Start" to begin working on an activity, or "Continue" to resume working on an activity.


Screenshot of Assignment module on Kinesiology In Action Assignments page which has been open to show its full exercise contents. Red boxes highlight 1. "Details" button which was pressed to open the module's assignment contents 2. "Start" button to the right of an exercise which hasn't been started 3. "Continue" button to the right of exercise which has been started but not completed



Topics that you have already finished will be marked with 100% completion. To go back and practice a previously completed module, select the "Review" button.



Screenshot of open Kinesiology In Action module. Red box highlights "100%" completion level for the module. Red box and red arrow highlights "Review" button to the right of a completed exercise.


Tollgate Approach (Select Users) 


If your instructor has designated the Tollgate approach for your class, you may notice an active assignment with the Start button deactivated. The Tollgate approach means that an assignment will not open until the assignment before it is completed. You must complete the first assignment to unlock the next one, and so on.

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