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Home > Davis Edge > Instructor > Instructor: Create a Class: Davis Edge
Instructor: Create a Class: Davis Edge
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Create a Class

To create a Davis Edge class, click the “Add Class” button.

Screenshot highlighting the "Add Class" button.


Class Details

After clicking the “Add Class” button, the “Class Set-up” page opens. This is where you will enter your class details.


Screenshot highlighting the first step of the Davis Edge Class Setup.

Class Name

Here, add the course name. This is a required field.


Screenshot of "Class Name" entry box.


Class Description

Here, include a description of the course. This field is optional.


Screenshot of "Class Description" entry box.


Class Start and End Dates

Here, enter the Start Date for the class, which is the date that your Davis Edge class will become available to your students. This is a required field.


Screenshot of "Class Start Date" entry calendar.

Here, enter the End Date for the class. This is a required field. After the End Date has passed, students will no longer be able to access the class or enter work to the gradebook. However, the students will be able to continue to work within Davis Edge taking practice quizzes for the remainder of their subscription period.


Screenshot of "Class End Date" entry calendar.


Auto-Enroll Students

Please select “Auto-Enroll students” if you want your students to be automatically added to your class when they submit your Class ID (see next section). If this box is left un-checked, you will need to manually accept students’ enrollment requests.


Screenshot of check "Auto-Enroll Students" checkbox.


Class ID

Each class created within Davis Edge will have a unique Class ID. You must provide students the Class ID in order for them to access your Davis Edge class, take assignments, and submit work to your instructor gradebook.


Screenshot of Class ID example.


Once you have noted your Class ID, click “Create Class” to finalize.


Screenshot of "Create Class" button.


Confirm Class Creation

There are three ways to confirm that your class has been successfully created. Within each option, the Class ID number is displayed.


After you have entered the class details and clicked the “Create Class” button, a “Class Created” confirmation popup will open. The Class ID will be included within this confirmation message.


Screenshot of "Class Created" confirmation popup.


The class information and Class ID will also always be displayed on your Classes page for future reference.

Screenshot of Davis Edge instructor Classes page, in the "Active Classes" display mode, highlighting an active class with an arrow pointing toward that class' Class ID.


Additionally, you will receive a confirmation e-mail, which includes your Class ID.


Screenshot of example Davis Edge class creation confirmation email.


Your Classes Page

Once you’ve created a class, your class information will be displayed on the Classes page.


Screenshot of Davis Edge instructor Classes page, in the "Active Classes" display mode, highlighting an active class.


To change class details for an existing class, click “Edit” from the dropdown menu under the Action column. 


Screenshot of active class in Davis Edge instructor Classes page, highlighting 1) the "Action" dropdown menu button 2) "Edit" option within "Action" dropdown menu.


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