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Home > Davis Edge > Instructor > Instructor: Success Level Goals: Davis Edge
Instructor: Success Level Goals: Davis Edge
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Assign Success Level Goals

Davis Edge also allows you to create Success Level Goals for your students. To begin, click the “Create Success Level Goal” button, located with the "Assignments" dropdown menu on the Success Center of your class.


Screenshot of Davis Edge instructor Success Center, highlighting 1) the "Assignments" dropdown menu 2) the "Create Success Level Goal" option within the "Assignments" dropdown menu


Select Course Topic

On the Success Level Goal Wizard page, you will first select a course topic.


Screenshot of the Success Level Goal Wizard, highlighting the "Select Course Topic" dropdown menu.



Select Success Level Goal

Then, you will select a Success Level Goal. Students begin at Level 1: Beginner for all topics. Students can “level up” by generating Practice Quizzes on a topic and continuing to answer questions correctly.


Screenshot highlighting the "Select Success Level Goal" dropdown menu.

The “Success Level Goal Name” will be based on the Course Topic chosen. This field will automatically populate and cannot be edited.


Screenshot highlighting the "Success Level Goal Name."


Goal Due Date

Select the Goal Due Date and save.


Screenshot highlighting the "Goal Due Date."


View/Edit Assigned Success Level Goals

To view, edit, or delete an existing Success Level Goal, select the “Assigned Success Level Goals” tab from navigation bar near the top of your class Success Center. 


Screenshot of Davis Edge instructor Success Center, highlighting the selected "Assigned Success Level Goals" tab and the "Edit" function within an "Action" button dropdown menu.


To adjust or remove an assigned success level goal, use the “Edit” or “Delete” buttons from the Actions menu. To view students’ progress toward a goal, click the "View Details" button from the Action menu or select the "Success Level Progress" tab from your Success Center. 


Screenshot of Davis Edge instructor Success Center, highlighting the selected "Success Level Progress" tab and a "Select Course Topic" dropdown menu.

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