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Student: Davis Nursing Consult
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Access Davis Nursing Consult

Once you have access to Davis Nursing Consult, it will appear under your “My Products” tab. To access Davis Nursing Consult, use the “Browse Sites” dropdown menu (1) in the upper left corner. Select “Davis Nursing Consult" (2).


Image of Browse Sites tab highlighting Davis Nursing Consult

You will need to sign in again using your F.A. Davis account information. Select “Sign In”.


Image of Davis Nursing Consult website pointing to Sign In button


Enter your information, then select LOG IN.

Image of F.A. Davis Log In screen highlighting LOG IN button

For easy access in the future, we recommend bookmarking this page.

Image of Davis Nursing Consult website being bookmarked on web browser



With Davis Nursing Consult, three of our must-have resources are included: Drug monographs from the #1 drug guide, Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses; Lab values from Davis’s Comprehensive Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests; and terminology from Taber’s Medical Dictionary.

Image of Davis Nursing Consult homepage

Homepage Search

From the homepage, you can search across the entire database or select one of the resources individually to find the information you need.

Image of Davis Nursing Consult homepage with search bar open


Scrolling down on the homepage, you can see what is trending this month as well as the word or drug of the week.

Image of Davis Nursing Consult bottom of homepage


As you search, results will populate with small icons next to each finding to indicate the resource.

The pill icon represents Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses.

Image of Davis' Drug Guide pill icon

The Erlenmeyer flask is for Davis’s Lab and Dx Testing for Nurses.

Image of Davis's Lab and Dx erlenmeyer flask icon

The Book icon is for Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary.


Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses

The Drug Guide includes all details about the drug, along with any pictures, images, or charts so that you have everything you need to administer medications safely.

Image of Davis's Drug Guide search result for warfarin


Safety content is shown in red high alerts or in red text to make sure it stands out.

Image of Davis's Drug Guide search result for warfarin highlighting High Alert and red text


Some entries include audio pronunciations to help you effectively communicate and learn how to say the drug’s name, tests, or term correctly. The cross-linking feature allows you to build your knowledge by clicking into related information. For example, if you click on a term under the classification section, related content will appear. From there you can select another item to view in more detail.

Davis's Drug Guide search result for warfarin highlighting pronunciation button in form of speaker and related content section on the right of page


You can also search and view resources in an individual product. On the homepage, select “Go to” under Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses.


Image of Davis Nursing Consult homepage highlighting Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses and pointing to Go To button

Here you will see all the various resources associated with this product, such as Natural/Herbal Products, Supporting Materials, Medication Safety Tools, Tables, Figures, and helpful information about Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses. Select “Go to” to access any of these resources.

Image of Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses search page with browse classifications


Davis’s Lab and Dx Tests

In the Davis’s Lab and Dx Tests section, you can view information by body system, or potential medical diagnosis, as well as view supporting materials and information about Davis’s Lab and Dx Tests.


Image of Davis's Lab and Dx Testing for Nurses search page with browse classifications


Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary

In addition to searching or browsing definitions, you can access the image and video index, supporting materials, and information about Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary.

Image of Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary search page with browse classifications


Additional Features

Using the search bar on the Davis’s Lab and Dx Tests page, you can reference lab values to assist in understanding how tests work, interpreting their results, and providing quality patient care.

Image of Davis's Lab and Dx Testing for Nurses search result for Partial Thromboplastin Time, Activated


Customize your Davis Nursing Consult by adding personalized notes on the side of any monograph, or bookmark any entry you plan on referring back to in the future.

Image of search result on Davis Nursing Consult highlighting bookmark icon/button Image of search result on Davis Nursing Consult highlighting Add a Note button section 




Access your notes and bookmarks by using the links at the top of the page.

Image of top of Davis Nursing Consult homepage highlighting My Notes and Bookmarks tabs



Davis Nursing Consult App

In addition to using Davis Nursing Consult on your web browser, you can also use our mobile app. Please note that you must first log in through the web browser to access Davis Nursing Consult through the mobile app.

Using your favorite app store, search for Davis Nursing Consult.

Image of Davis Nursing Consult app search result in app store


Download and open the app on your device. Select the button to “Log In” with F.A. Davis at the bottom.

 Image of Davis Nursing App log in screen highlighting Log In with F.A. Davis button

You will be prompted to log in using your F.A. Davis account information. Use the same email and password that you used on your web browser.

Inside the mobile app, you are able to utilize all of the features presented above and can access trusted information to provide on-the-go answers anytime, anywhere.


Please note that the Bookmark and Notes icons are at the bottom of the app.

Image of Davis Nursing Consult app homescreen highlighting Bookmark and My Notes icons at bottom of screen

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