Kinesiology in Action: Student Enrollment and Learning Management System Credentials (Instructor) from F.A. Davis on Vimeo.
Once you have created a class and shared the Class ID with your students, students will enter a request in Kinesiology in Action to join the class. You must admit each student into the class before they can view your Assignments and submit work to your Gradebook. Note: this step is not required if the “auto-enroll students” option was chosen during class creation.
Student Enrollment
While a student is waiting to be admitted into the class, an alert will be displayed on the Dashboard. The number of students waiting to be admitted will be displayed next to Students. To admit or reject a student into your class, click the Students button.
To begin admitting students into the class, locate the student’s name on the Notifications area on the Manage Students page.
Admitting/Rejecting Student Enrollment
To accept a student into the class, click the Accept button located to the right of the student’s name. Next, confirm the student’s enrollment by clicking OK. An Enrolled confirmation message will be displayed after you have accepted a student into the class. You do not have to check the box next to the student’s name to accept them into the class.
You may choose to prevent a student from joining a Kinesiology in Action class. To prevent a student from entering a class, click the Reject button located to the right of the student’s name. A confirmation message will be displayed after the student is rejected from the class. The box next to the student’s name does not have to be checked to reject them from the class. Additionally, you may enter a reason for rejecting a student prior to rejecting them from the class; this is an optional field.
Group Approvals or Rejections
You can approve or reject students as a group by clicking Select AlL and then Accept All or Reject All.
Kinesiology in Action: Add Other Instructors to Your Class (Instructor) from F.A. Davis on Vimeo.
You can add multiple instructors to a class.
Click on Manage Instructors.
Click on Add New.
- Enter the instructor’s email address.
- Select an access type.
- Click add at the bottom of the window to invite that instructor to the Class. If the instructor is already registered on, their information will be pre-populated after the initial instructor enters the email address; otherwise, you will be prompted to enter additional information.
As noted, you will be prompted to choose what type of access to grant to the newly-invited instructor. Click on the question mark ? for help that explains the different types of access that can be granted.
If the instructor is already a registered user of F. A. Davis, their status will change to Approved upon closing this alert window. If the instructor is not yet a registered user of F. A. Davis, their status will remain Pending until they complete their registration, which will then be followed by our internal approval process (24 business hours) before the status is updated to Approved.
The initial Instructor (and any instructors who have been granted Full Access rights) always has the option to add more Instructors, edit the type of access of existing Instructors have, or remove Instructors from the class.